Contract Ledger

From £50 ex VAT for single user!

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Principal features.

  • Each Contract may have any number of Orders. Each Order may have Valuations, Retentions, Discounts and Retention-releases added at any time.
  • Contracts can belong to any one of 10 contract-type groups, eg. Lump-sum or Day-works etc.
  • Valuations may be entered by knowing the 'totals-to-date' for the Order.
  • On-screen enquiry for all Order details including valuation-to-date, agreed contract sum, retention-to-date, net retention, discount-to-date and net outstanding. The enquiry screen also shows each valuation, its date, value, retention, if its invoiced, if its paid, its paid date, the discount, the analysis code and the amount of vat.
  • Printed statements of Contract Status showing details for each Order in the Contract with the facility to mark outstanding or overdue items.
  • Aged debtor’s report. User may select the time period, contract type, job-code, grouped by contract or by job etc.
  • Sales invoice creation and printing with many options on plain or pre-printed paper. Includes automatic numbering, descriptions and discount.
  • Management reports including: work-in progress, detailed analysis report, contract breakdown report, retention analysis etc.
  • Automatic posting of Valuations and Payments to Job-costing, (when integrated with Maxton Job-costing).
  • Built-in self-audit and status report on file consistency. Automatic data-recovery in the event of hardware failure or power failure.
  • Sales analysis by Contract, Order, Customer and 'user defined' categories.
  • Optional memo-lines for each Order as well as all the normal contact details.
  • All Order transaction details may be viewed, modified, printed and or deleted up to the point when the Sales Ledger is up-dated with the Invoice and/or Payment posting. Modifications to Valuations will produce automatic 'adjustment postings' in the Maxton Job-costing module.
  • Options for Networking, Multi-company and Multi-user.
  • Optional integration with Maxton Sales Ledger, Invoicing, Job-Costing and General Ledger. Many other 'custom' links are available

There are too many features and options to list here. Please contact us if any feature that you are interested in is not listed above.

System design philosophy

The Maxton Contracts Ledger is designed as an 'open item' ledger including history files and transaction 'day-books'. All valuations, retentions, receipts, discounts, adjustments and invoices are entered straight into their respective day-books where they show immediately on the order listing and in the Maxton Job-costing (if linked). However, these new postings are held in a state where they can be modified or deleted at will. This is especially helpful if a valuation is subsequently found to be paid at a different rate than previously agreed. The correction can be made by editing the existing entry.

After the valuation has been checked, the payment agreed and the invoice produced, the entries making up the current valuation become 'fixed' in the files. This ensures data integrity from an auditing point of view. The General ledger is then automatically updated with the Sales information in the normal way. The linked ledgers are completely independent which adds to the flexibility at month-end time; i.e. two periods can be 'open' at the same time to receive postings - more useful flexibility.

Each Order's transaction history is held in a separate file. Once the Contract is completed these files can be deleted to save space or can be stored indefinitely. When stored as part of the system, a valuation and its associated invoice can be called up (by contract, order, invoice number or by key-word search) and printed or displayed showing all its 'drill-down' detail including vat and nominal codes as well as item pricing.

The Maxton Book-keeping modules are designed to work together in an integrated fashion to provide a complete management system. It is even possible to have both the 32-bit Windows version running on the same PC and or Network as the DOS versions since they share the same Microsoft Standard IEEE data-file format.


For most businesses there are no practical limits or restrictions. The Maxton Contracts Ledger is not limited too, but works best where you have no more than 6,000 current Orders, each of which has no more than 5,000 transactions in any one year. Total transactions in any month are best kept below 10,000. The standard system allows up to 10 contract-type sub-groups.

The Ver. 6.x Software is designed to run on PCs and network workstations running any version of Windows.

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