Building Contractors

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Building Contractors are able to use 'Contract-order' and 'Subcontract-order' ledgers with full integration with Job-Costing and Stock-Control.

  • Job costing is accounting which tracks the costs and revenues by "job" and enables standardized reporting of profitability by job. Find out more here!
  • CIS 300 Reporting! File your monthly returns. You must tell HM Revenue and Customs ( HMRC ) each month about payments you've made to subcontractors through your monthly return. Find out more here!
  • Contracts Ledger Each Contract may have any number of Orders. Each Order may have Valuations, Retentions, Discounts and Retention-releases added at any time. Find out more here!
  • SubContracts Ledger Each Subcontract may have any number of Orders. Each Order may have Valuations, Retentions, Discounts and Retention-releases added at any time. Find out more here!
  • SubContracts Purchase Ledger This Module is a specially extended version of the Maxton Purchase Ledger. It includes all the features of the standard Purchase Ledger module. Find out more here!

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