Pricing and Capacities

Prices now start at £0! for customers taking up our flexible monthly support contract, starting £18.50 a month for a single user.


The Software is designed to run on PCs and network workstations running any version of Windows. The Maxton data files can be stored on any windows visible storage medium on the local PC or file store.

Pricing, support and availability.

Prices now start at £0! for customers taking up our flexible monthly support contract, starting £18.50 a month for a single user. Other choices include multi-company and multi-user, please contact us for details. Standard Monthly, on-going support contracts are offered and are billed quarterly.

The monthly support contract will cover telephone support, software maintenance and in-version updates. E.g. prices start at £18.50 per month for a single-user Maxton Payroll, through to approx. £37 for the multi-company version running on a 10-user network.

Availability is normally immediate and installation is normally carried out by the user or ourselves using internet available remote connection anywhere. On-going support and software updates are carried out via remote internet connection.

All prices exclude VAT.

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