CIS 300 Monthly Return

Prices start at £0! for customers taking up our flexible monthly support contract,
from £18.50 ex VAT a month for a single PAYE Reference with up to 50 subcontractors!
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Principle features

  • This module comprising the two parts, Monthly Return XML creation and Injector, takes Subcontractor payment information and sends it to the Inland Revenue via the GovTalk Gateway.
  • It may be used as a stand-alone programme where data is entered manually or linked to a purchase ledger programme. It is able to import data from other programmes through standard CSV files or optional custom links.
  • Output successfully tested by HMRC and awarded their 'Internet Recognition' protocol.
  • Handles all 'Monthly Return' submissions as defined by HMRC.
  • All entered data is displayed on-screen in an easily checked and edited form. Subcontractor records may be added or deleted at will.
  • Built in 'Business rules' to conform with HMRC standards.
  • Designed to meet the 'Quality Standard' set by HMRC standards.
  • Prints a summary of all data to be sent to the HMRC GovTalk Gateway.
  • Prints an 'exception report' of all data which does not meet the 'Quality Standard' of the HMRC GovTalk Gateway.
  • Prints a Receipt of response data received from the HMRC GovTalk Gateway.
  • Built-in self-audit and status report on file consistency. Automatic data-recovery in the event of hardware failure or power failure.
  • Automatic log of all submissions and transactions with the GovTalk Gateway.
  • Options for Networking, Multi-company and Bureau Operations.
  • Optional integration with Maxton Subcontractors Ledger. Other 'custom' links are available.
  • There are too many features and options to list here. Please contact us if any feature that you are interested in is not listed above.

The Maxton Book-keeping modules are designed to work together in an integrated fashion to provide a complete management system.


For most businesses there are no practical limits or restrictions. The Maxton CIS Online Filing is designed for a maximum of 2000 subcontractors in each company.

The Ver. 6.x Software is designed to run on PCs and network workstations running any version of Windows.

Click here for more pricing options.

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