Stock Control

Prices start at £0! for customers taking up our flexible monthly support contract,
from £18.50 ex VAT a month for a single user.

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Principle features

  • Stand-alone system or fully integrated with other Maxton modules.
  • Stock day-book is recorded for all movements and includes, date, item code, quantity, reference/invoice/order number, movement type (7 types including write-off) and 5 other optional fields of information.
  • Sales information stored on each item includes, date of last movement, period turnover quantity, period turnover value, year-to-date turnover quantity, year-to-date turnover value, year-to-date cost of sales, period gross profit and year-to-date gross profit.
  • Power enquiry option with different search modes.
  • Standard management reports including: stock lists, stock valuation, re-order report, price lists, turnover report and day-book transaction analysis reports by many filters.
  • Free format report generator including output to text files for export to spreadsheets etc.
  • Powerful function for amending cost or selling prices for a range of items selected by item number or by product group. eg. increase selling price 4 to cost plus 30% etc.
  • Built-in self-audit and status report on file consistency. Automatic data-recovery in the event of hardware failure or power failure.
  • Day-book transaction archive for each year. Keep archives for any number of years allowing full day-book line-detail and movement history. Searching facilities included.
  • Optional notes page for each stock item as well as all the normal details.
  • Optional facilities for 'Bar-stock Management' with special 'stock-take' input screens and special reports for gross-profit, shrinkage, sales-history and variance.
  • Options for Networking, Multi-company and Multi-user.
  • Optional integration with POS Invoicing, Purchase ledger, Sales ledger, Sales order processing, Purchase order processing, Job-costing and General Ledger. Many other 'custom' links are available.

There are too many features and options to list here. Please contact us if any feature that you are interested in is not listed above.

System design philosophy

The Maxton Stock Control programme is designed as an easy-to-use database including a Day-book for all the movement transactions.

Each year's Day-book transaction history is held in a separate file. These files can be deleted to save space or can be stored indefinitely. When stored as part of the system, the archives allow a history of a stock item's movements to be printed stretching back for years, even to the point when the system was set up. Any of these Day-book records can be called up, printed or displayed showing all its 'drill-down' detail including date, product, quantity, movement type, reference/invoice number, vat and nominal codes as well as item price or cost at that time.


For most businesses there are no practical limits or restrictions. The Maxton Stock Control system is not limited too, but works best where you have no more than 15,000 stock lines. Total Day-book transactions in any month are best kept below 10,000 and are stored in a separate file for each year. The standard system allows any number of years transactions to be stored and reported on.

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