Maxton Survey

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How are we doing?

It’s been two years since we turned Business Micro Systems into a Limited Company.

Since that time, we have been able to launch Maxton cloud, providing tools to allow customers to submit VAT returns to HMRC directly and continued to develop our software at the same time as providing the best support possible.

We want to continue to understand your needs and we want to develop products and services which our customers want and love. That is why I am very keen to get your feedback on our current service level & products and what you would like us to focus on in the future.

We can only make improvements with your honest and constructive feedback so please take your time to fill in the questions below so we can continue to help you now and in the future.

Image of Survey

Your details

Current Software

Select all that apply

Current Service

Please enter a number between 1-10, 1 for poor service and 10 for good service

Future Products and Service

Please enter a number between 1-10, 1 for not needed and 10 for needed now!

Thank you very much for your time in completing this survey, this information will help us to help you!

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